For my thesis in undergrad, I created a website documenting the student activism history for Columbia University’s ethnic studies department. Although I used a templated website builder and content manageable system, I wanted to customize certain elements of the website - imbedding a video in a different size, creating a better flow, adding a new font. Knowledge of CSS/HTML would have made this process much customizable and easy.

One of my excitements behind taking ICM is to create a non-linear, playful interactive webpage where people can interact with. My favorite beauty Youtuber launched her own cosmetics brand as a pixel-game experience. I thought this was such a fun experience that also simultaneously served the purpose of motivating the audience to learn more about her products.


I also spend way too much time on looking through simple, imaginative, and analog recreations of useless but fun interactive ideas (like this). I want to have fun with code and hopefully aid the process in decolonizing it.